DATEV // Sound Branding

DATEV – Comprehensive sound branding with a system

Zukunft gestalten. Gemeinsam.

What does the future sound like? What does togetherness sound like? As part of the implementation of the DATEV sound identity, these questions had to be explored, clarified and structured.

About the Client

DATEV eG is the software house and IT service provider for tax consultants, auditors and lawyers and their predominantly medium-sized clients. The company is one of the largest IT service providers and software houses in Germany. Founded in 1966, the Nuremberg-based cooperative works with its members to improve the business processes of 2.5 million companies, municipalities, associations and institutions with its solutions.

Audio Branding Academy Podcast

John Groves talks about the systematic approach of the DATEV Sound Identity:

 Brand Analysis

DATEV is a deeply image-conscious brand and required a thorough analysis of its internal and external brand environment. This analysis consisted of a review of the corporate identity and an examination of DATEV’s vision. Where does this company want to go, how does it currently see itself and what can be said about discrepancies between image and identity? Once these strategic questions have been clarified, the competition must be examined before a brand-specific sound identity can be produced.

Creating a distinctive sound identity for a brand involves not only embodying the brand’s values through sound, but also ensuring it stands out from the sound identities of its competitors.

DATEV Campaign

DATEV Apprenticeship

DATEV Digital Transformation

DATEV Explainer Video

A suitable and memorable melody – the DATEV sound logo

Making brand values heard

The translation of corporate values into the acoustic realm resulted in the so-called “acoustic brand guiding principle”, which formulates the goal for the DATEV sound identity.
The DATEV sound logo and the other elements of the DATEV sound identity were developed on this basis.

DATEV Notenbild


Ausgangsmaterial der Sound Identität stellt neben dem Sound Logo der Brand Song dar. Dieser ist anders als die sehr gut merkbare Melodie des Sound Logos besonders als Grundlage für weitere Kompositionen zu verstehen. In ihr sind kompositorische Elemente, welche durch eine besondere Modernität, Qualität, Dynamik und Stimmung auf die einzigartige DATEV-Sound-Identität schließen lassen.

Die DATEV-Sound-Identität wurde nach den oben aufgeführten Beurteilungskriterien entwickelt. Ausgangspunkt für Tonalität und Tonfolge waren das Markenversprechen und die Werte, für die DATEV steht.

DATEV Sound Identity

Production for various application scenarios

Datev Touchpoints


Marketing Video

Sound as a brand communication tool

The added value for DATEV

Sound branding translates the positioning of the DATEV brand onto an acoustic level. In this way, it supports the differentiation from the competition and gives DATEV an acoustic identity.


Sound branding supports DATEV’s brand message, core themes such as partnership and an orientation towards the future are emphasized acoustically. The entire positioning resonates in the background: DATEV as an energetic partner for sustainable solutions and for the economic success of its customers. In addition, consistent sound branding increases the memorability of marketing measures and thus increases the efficiency of the resources used.

With an innovative theme such as sound branding, DATEV also underpins its future-oriented positioning. Analogous to visual guidelines, there are also clear recommendations for the use and utilization of the brand’s acoustic elements.

How to do it right!

DATEV’s extensive collection of over 400 unique sound elements is a testament to its commitment to utilizing sound for brand communication. This diverse sound pool allows DATEV to effectively convey its core values and ideals across various scenarios, enhancing brand perception through auditory experiences. By incorporating sound as a key component in its branding strategy, DATEV has opened up a new channel of communication. The strategic use of these unpublished sound elements plays a pivotal role in enhancing the emotional resonance of image-driven campaigns. Familiar sounds from the pool, such as campaign intro music, evoke associative connections, reinforcing previously established brand values.

Moreover, DATEV’s foray into sound branding has been instrumental in strengthening its brand identity across numerous touchpoints. This approach has not only enriched the DATEV brand but also continues to add value to our ongoing partnership with them, offering a dynamic and immersive brand experience.

Other Sound Branding Projects

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